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Over grown vegetation - most of which has sharp thorns

Reported via mobile in the Overgrown Private Vegetation category anonymously at 17:39, Tuesday 4 February 2025

Sent to North Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 7086103.

There is vegetarian that is stopping pedestrians from walking through this path. The vegetarian is hanging into my property as well. I’ve reported this previously ( reference 3842199) and the owner did not fix the problem ). I then reported it again (reference 4252598) and you sent a letter to the owner. They only did a temporary fix as you can see the top is still over hanging. It has now grown into my boundary line, making my house dark.

Furthermore, a lot of the overgrown vegetation has thorns, and I’m concerned that my toddler will run and she will hurt herself / get a thorn in her eye

The specific location What3Words is: OUTBOUND.MINORITY. CAPTIVE

The overgrown vegetation starts on the footpath on Johnson Avenue and continues along the footpath leading to Wilce Avenue.

The issue has been present since my last report, over a year ago as it was only a temporary fix by the owner

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  • Thank you for reporting a fault. Officers will now investigate the concerns and this may take up to 5 working days. If you believe that your concerns are urgent then please phone us.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by North Northamptonshire Council at 17:39, Tuesday 4 February 2025

  • Investigation: Completed (Defect Found), Defect Repair: Not Started - Thank you for your enquiry. We will schedule vegetation clearance to be completed within 28 days. Please be assured that you will receive an update once this has been completed.

    Posted by North Northamptonshire Council at 13:56, Monday

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