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Overgrown weeds on verge and pavement

Reported via desktop in the Weeds category anonymously at 13:27, Thu 1 August 2024

Sent to North Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 6303459.

Overgrown weeds on verge and pavement which are quite high along the Rowlett Road, Clarke Road, Latimer Road & Tansfield.

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  • Thank you for reporting a fault. Officers will now investigate the concerns and this may take up to 5 working days. If you believe that your concerns are an emergency (such as flooding, highway obstructions fallen trees), please call 0300 126 3000, Monday to Friday (9.00 to 17.00). Outside these hours, please call 01604 651074.

    Posted by North Northamptonshire Council at 13:27, Thu 1 August 2024

  • Thank you for reporting a fault. Officers will now investigate the concerns and this may take up to 5 working days. If you believe that your concerns are urgent then please phone us.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by North Northamptonshire Council at 13:27, Thu 1 August 2024

  • Investigation: Completed (Defect Found) - Thank you for your enquiry. A qualified Highways Inspector has assessed the location and we can confirm that in accordance with the NNC Highways Inspection Manual, the defect meets the requirement for a Priority 4 repair. We will schedule a repair to be completed within 26 weeks. Our current average response time for a Priority 4 repair is 119.6 days.

    Posted by North Northamptonshire Council at 14:08, Mon 5 August 2024

  • The last time the verges were cut was well over a month ago. The grass is now very high like before. We really appreciate when it is cut, but the debris left over from the high grass leaves a mess all along the street and blocks the drains and makes a mess on footpaths. I have seen you use bag collector devices at Coronation park which looks great. My question is...why leave grass clippings all over the paths and roads. This is fine if grass is cut regularly, but every six weeks or so isn't enough. My pictures show the aftermath of your last time cutting the grass. Residents are now starting to cut their own verges because we take pride in our local area. So I see two solutions. 1 cut the grass more frequently or 2 pick up the cuttings as you go. One more thing. The blades on your mowers require frequent sharpening. It was obvious the last time the verges were cut the blades may have been dull or someone put them on upside down. I am trying to be polite as possible as Corby could look much better if the verges and roads were taken care of. In some areas it looks like nobody cares and this will only lead to more rubbish on streets, more dog fouling, more vandalism and more crime. I am sure you are aware of the 'Broken window theory'. Thank you for reading. I am looking forward to seeing cleaner streets and roads in Corby.

    Posted anonymously at 14:22, Tue 20 August 2024

  • Thank you for providing an update. Officers will now investigate the concerns and this may take up to 5 working days. If you believe that your concerns are urgent then please phone us.

    Posted by North Northamptonshire Council at 14:23, Tue 20 August 2024

  • Investigation: Completed (Defect Found) - Thank you for your enquiry. A qualified Highways Inspector has assessed the location and we can confirm that in accordance with the NNC Highways Inspection Manual, the defect meets the requirement for a Priority 3 repair. We will schedule a repair to be completed within 28 days. Our current average response time for a Priority 3 repair is 26.7 days.

    Posted by North Northamptonshire Council at 12:29, Fri 23 August 2024

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