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New LED streetlights dangerously dim

Reported via iOS by Dez Dell at 22:10, Sun 12 November 2023

Sent to North Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 5203010.

Hi, I’ve been contacted by a resident who is seriously concerned about the very low level of light that is emitted by the street lighting along Burns Road. I understand the street lights are being replaced for more efficient LED ones, however, I share the residents concerns as there is minimal light down the end of this very dark cul-de-sac. Please can the lighting be swapped for brighter lights.

Also when I attempted to put this in as a street lighting issue, I was not allowed to log it and was referred to the NNC website which had no option to comment on street lighting provision, which is why this is classified as ‘Other’.

Best wishes Cllr Dez Dell

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  • Hi, I’d like to get back to the resident - is there an update on this? Best wishes Dez

    Posted by Dez Dell at 12:45, Wed 29 November 2023

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