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Reported via Android anonymously at 13:51, Sat 7 October 2023

Sent to North Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 5072088.

We have a tree outside 201 Neale Ave Kettering it is cherry 🍒 .We have to sweep the street every day because we tred the berries in home We are both in the late 70 s.pleasr send some.body round to polard this tree John Crisp

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  • Please look into this tree as it is interfering with the telephone cables and our guttering and light in bedrooms, as we are in our late 70's we can no longer continue to clean the path and road gutters. the tree is between 201 and 203 Neale Ave Kettering.

    Posted anonymously at 16:07, Thu 26 October 2023

  • Yes the man in a van parked about 30 yards away on the other side of the road he did not get out of the van.The phone wires are in the tree now the berries are all on the path now what a mess.I would like a inspector to come to my house to see view the tree from upstairs we have lost 75%of light we you take kindly to this matter. J crisp

    Posted anonymously at 16:07, Sat 4 November 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • We haven't seen or from any body .

    Posted anonymously at 16:40, Sat 2 December 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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