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Tree in back garden of 63 Barnwell Drive. Landlord at 65 wants tree gone.

Reported via mobile anonymously at 17:00, Tue 8 August 2023

Sent to North Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 4871585.

Three years ago when they bought the house, we were contacted by them to see if we wanted to top off the tree. We asked them by how much, and they stated that down to guttering level. Nothing since, until last week, when they stated that they were going to cut the branches overhanging the fence on their side, as is their right. Again they wanted to top off , and we asked them what they would regard as ideal. They came back with "ideally, gone, but down to the guttering." There were ludicrous reasons as to why they did n`t want the tree there, and we didn`t reply as we didn`t want the situation to escalate. We did state, however, that we are having the tree assessed by an expert. They did`nt wait and cut the branches on their side. We`re worried that they`ll come for the rest of it. Our son is autistic and is very attached to the tree and is very upset about the situation. Consequently, we want to apply for a TPO to protect what is a tree ( a Nootka Cypress) that doesn`t have many examples locally .

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  • Next door hacked off a bit overhanging on their side. Council not interested. Run by Tories, so draw your own conclusion. No money in it.

    Posted anonymously at 19:55, Tue 5 September 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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