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Cars parked

Reported via mobile in the Car parks category anonymously at 13:22, Sun 16 April 2023

Sent to North Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 4445950.

Always cars parked very anti sociably blocking pavements and other vehicles. The road is narrow already parked cars making it unsafe and narrower. Need fixing immediately as anything bigger than a car needs to go on the pavements to get through and causing a safety hazard for pedestrian and other road users. This is the second report I'm making regarding this issue as first was ignored or no action was taken. In case anyone gets injured these reports will be given as evidence and council will be held responsible as no action was taken.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 14:58, Sun 14 May 2023

  • Vehicle obstruction offences are dealt with by Northamptonshire Police for highway offences such as: Wilful obstruction of the highway or unnecessary obstruction of the highway.

    These issues can be reported to Northamptonshire Police via 101 or

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 08:24, Mon 22 July 2024

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